This is a captivating article about the making of a documentary film called "Break The Game," which tells the story of Narcissa Wright, a former speedrunner who faced online harassment and transphobic messages after coming out as transgender. The film, directed by Jane M. Wagner, uses the language of gamers to tell a gamer's story, and it features stunning pixel art animations and sound design that are sure to captivate any Zelda fan.

Wright's journey in the film is a familiar one to many gamers, as she battles her inner demons and rises from the ashes to prove herself a better person. Her story is told through the lens of gaming, making it more approachable for those who may not be familiar with the franchise. However, the film's message is universal, as it explores issues like cyberbullying, online harassment, loneliness, isolation, depression, and anxiety that are all too common in today's world.

"Break The Game" is a movie made by Zelda fans for Zelda fans, and it offers a unique perspective on the world of gaming culture and its impact on people's lives. The film's creators hope that it will inspire viewers to be kinder to others and recognize that everyone battles their own demons in their own way. By sharing Narcissa Wright's story, "Break The Game" offers a glimpse into the lives of those who find solace and community in the world of gaming.

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