2024年对 Prince of Persia 来说是一个相当不错的一年。我们在1月获得了优秀的 Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown,随后,Dead Cells 开发商 Evil Empire 宣布了新游戏“The Rogue Prince of Persia”。这两个事件使我们回想起了这个长期运行的系列中的其他作品。

Jordan Mechner 的《Prince of Persia》1989年的平台游戏建立在《Karateka》的电影化基础上,并开创了一系列游戏,该系列在 franchise has seen its fair share of ups (the Sands of Time reboot, the recent Lost Crown revival) and downs (the Sands of Time film, Prince of Persia 3D),但是尽管 occasional misfire or workaday entry,series has endured for almost 35 years。

但是,Prince of Persia 中最好的游戏是什么?我们列出了在 Nintendo 系统上玩过的游戏,并让 Nintendo Life 读者对他们的游戏进行评分,您可以在下面查看结果。请记住,Prince of Persia 排名受到用户评分的影响,并且会随时间的推移而发生变化,即使在出版后也是如此。这意味着您仍然有可能通过单击您想要评分的游戏并在游戏页面上为其分配分数来影响和更改排名。

以下是 Nintendo Life 读者对 Prince of Persia 系列上 15 款游戏的评分:

1. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
2. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
3. Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within
4. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
5. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
6. Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
7. Battles of Prince of Persia
8. Prince of Persia (2008)
9. Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
10. Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame
11. Prince of Persia: Escape from the Island
12. Prince of Persia: Harem Adventure
13. Prince of Persia: Shadow of New Orleans
14. Prince of Persia: Sand of Time Remake
15. Prince of Persia: Kindred Blades



canonically taking place between The Sands of Time and Warrior Within, Battles of Prince of Persia sees the series dip its toe into the realm of turn-based tactics to varying degrees of success.

The tactics system shines on the DS, with touchscreen controls making it simple to move units around the battlefield while keeping an eye on what's happening thanks to the top screen. Unfortunately, the game's additional card-battling elements never feel like they really gel with the turn-based combat, making battles needlessly complicated and quickly monotonous.

For fans of DS tactics games, this is probably worth checking out, but anyone after an introduction to the genre is likely better off looking elsewhere.

Prince of Persia: The Fallen King's originality is commendable. This fresh take on the franchise from Ubisoft was built solely for the DS with a touchscreen movement system, a new story and a smattering of unique mechanics.

As is the case with so many touchscreen-controlled platformers, however, this action-adventure is let down in its movement, offering a scheme that is simple to grasp but quickly becomes tiresome. The additional magic commands from new character Zal bring a refreshing change to the combat system, but it lacks the hack-and-slash appeal that defined the series up until this point.

Much like the corresponding Wii version, Prince of Persia: The For

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